Biophilic Design –


At, we are committed to finding ways to help our cluster partners attract and retain green technicians to support the energy transition. One way to do this is to focus on the physical and social environments of our partners, and to create training programs that offer innovative, interdisciplinary and engaging approaches. We look at developing offerings based on scientific evidence to increase engagement and productivity, health and wellbeing, and further the attractiveness and reputation of our partner companies.

It is for this reason that we are pleased to announce that Rita Trombin, Environmental Psychologist, TEDx-speaker and Biophilic Design Expert, will lead Insight Seminars on how biophilic design can reduce worker fatigue and increase job satisfaction by incorporating nature into living and work spaces. For example, did you know that the mere presence of green walls increases oxytocin (happiness hormone) and reduces cortisol (stress hormone) in humans? Lower levels of oxytocin are often seen in people suffering from depression, anxiety and stress disorders while high cortisol levels are associated with impaired alertness and concentration.

Rita will also reveal how our evolutionary history has shaped our mind to react to a well-designed natural environment in a way that allows us to rest and focus on work instead of being subconsciously preoccupied with environmental stressors. By the end of the Insight Seminar, participants from HR and project development teams will be able to make an assessment and report of environmental factors that can have a negative impact on stakeholders. This includes environmental weaknesses and threats to wellbeing, productivity and engagement. 

Participants will furthermore understand how to create personalised environmental prescriptions, KPIs and action plans to reduce or eliminate the environmental stressors that have a negative impact on stakeholders and boost those having a positive impact. The seminar will conclude with guidelines on how to create and communicate an inspiring story of evolution across the firm and to external stakeholders.


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