Causes of Drought and The Overuse of Resources


Understanding the Causes of Drought and Overuse of Resources
Scientist wearing safety uniform and gloves under working water analysis and water quality by collecting water to check its quality


The world’s water resources are under unprecedented strain. As an environmental engineer with a focus on water and wastewater treatment, I’ve witnessed firsthand the delicate balance that sustains our water systems and the increasing challenges posed by overuse and mismanagement. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate relationship between the causes of drought and the overuse of resources, a phenomenon I like to term “Water Wars”.

The Global Water Crisis: A Growing Concern

Globally, water scarcity affects more than 40% of the world’s population, a figure projected to rise with population growth and climate change. Yet, despite its critical importance, water remains one of the most exploited natural resources. The narrative of the Colorado River in the United States serves as a poignant anecdote. Once a mighty river, it now struggles to reach the sea, heavily drawn upon for agricultural and urban needs. This is a scenario playing out in river basins worldwide, where the demand for water far exceeds its natural replenishment rate.

Linking Causes of Drought to Overuse of Resources

Drought, often perceived as a purely natural disaster, is increasingly a byproduct of human activity. Overuse of water resources – whether for agriculture, industry, or municipal purposes – can significantly alter the natural water cycle. It’s a phenomenon I observed during a project in the Aral Sea basin. What was once one of the world’s fourth-largest lakes has now largely vanished, primarily due to the diversion of rivers for cotton cultivation. This drastic transformation starkly illustrates how overexploitation can lead to ecological and hydrological shifts, culminating in prolonged dry spells.

Understanding the Water Cycle in the Context of Resource Management

The water cycle, a fundamental concept in environmental engineering, is pivotal in understanding the causes of drought and resource management. This section delves into the intricate dynamics of the water cycle, highlighting how human interventions can disrupt this natural balance, often leading to adverse effects like drought.

The Natural Water Cycle: A Delicate Equilibrium

The water cycle comprises several key processes: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Each step is crucial for maintaining the global balance of water resources. For instance, during my tenure working on watershed management in the Pacific Northwest, I observed the critical role of forests in facilitating this cycle. Trees aid in the process of transpiration, releasing water vapor back into the atmosphere, which then contributes to precipitation. This natural cycle is a perfect example of an ecosystem’s ability to regulate and sustain water availability.

Human Impact on the Water Cycle

However, when we intervene in this cycle through activities like extensive damming, irrigation, and deforestation, the balance is disturbed. Take the case of the Ogallala Aquifer in the United States, one of the world’s largest aquifers, which supports nearly one-fifth of the wheat, corn, cotton, and cattle produced in the country. Due to over-extraction primarily for agricultural irrigation, the aquifer’s water level has been dropping at an alarming rate, altering the regional water cycle and exacerbating drought conditions.

Role of Water and Wastewater Engineers

As water and wastewater engineers, we play a crucial role in mitigating these impacts. Our work in designing efficient water treatment systems, developing sustainable irrigation methods, and managing water resources holistically is vital in restoring and maintaining the balance of the water cycle. Innovative technologies like wastewater recycling and rainwater harvesting are examples of how engineering solutions can support the natural water cycle, promoting sustainable resource management.

Overuse of Surface Water and Groundwater: A Dual Challenge

Water Wars Causes of Drought and Overuse of Resources
Industrial area along a creek

The unsustainable exploitation of both surface and groundwater resources presents a significant challenge in water management. As environmental engineers, understanding this dual threat is crucial in developing strategies to combat drought and ensure water security.

The Plight of Rivers and Lakes

Surface water bodies like rivers and lakes are often the most visible victims of overuse. A striking example is the situation of Lake Chad in Africa. Once one of the largest lakes in the world, it has shrunk by about 90% since the 1960s. The primary cause? Overuse for irrigation and the compounded effect of climate change. This dramatic reduction not only affects water availability but also has profound ecological and socio-economic repercussions.

Groundwater Depletion: An Invisible Crisis

Groundwater, though hidden, faces a similar fate. It’s a resource that we often mistakenly perceive as limitless. The case of the Central Valley in California serves as a cautionary tale. Known as one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, it relies heavily on groundwater for irrigation. However, decades of intensive agriculture have led to significant drops in groundwater levels, causing land subsidence and reducing the aquifer’s capacity to recharge. This scenario is a clear indicator of how over-extraction can lead to long-term depletion of vital groundwater reserves.

Impact on Water Availability and Ecosystem Health

The overuse of both surface and groundwater resources has a cascading effect on water availability and ecosystem health. It alters natural habitats, disrupts the life cycles of aquatic species, and affects the livelihoods of communities dependent on these water sources. As engineers, our role extends beyond mere technical solutions; it encompasses the responsibility to advocate for sustainable water use practices and integrated water resource management.

The Agriculture Factor: Irrigation and Water Scarcity

Agriculture is a major player in the global water landscape, with irrigation being one of the largest consumers of water resources. This section explores how agricultural practices impact water scarcity and what can be done to mitigate these effects.

The High Cost of Keeping Fields Green

Agriculture accounts for approximately 70% of global freshwater withdrawals, a staggering figure that highlights its significant impact on water resources. During a project in India, a country where agriculture is the backbone of the economy, I witnessed the consequences of inefficient irrigation practices. Vast stretches of farmland were irrigated through flood methods, leading to substantial water loss through evaporation and runoff. This not only reduces water availability but also exacerbates drought conditions in already water-stressed regions.

Innovations in Irrigation: Towards More Efficient Use

However, there’s a silver lining. Innovations in irrigation technology offer a beacon of hope. For example, drip irrigation, a system that delivers water directly to the roots of plants, significantly reduces water wastage. In Israel, a country known for its arid climate, such technologies have revolutionized farming, enabling sustainable agriculture with minimal water use. This approach, coupled with water-efficient crops and practices like rainwater harvesting, can greatly alleviate the pressure on water resources.

Bridging Agricultural Practices with Sustainable Water Management

The integration of sustainable water management into agricultural practices is crucial. In regions like California’s Central Valley, where groundwater over-extraction for agriculture is a critical issue, initiatives to recharge aquifers during wet seasons are gaining traction. These practices not only ensure a sustainable water supply for agriculture but also contribute to the overall health of the water ecosystem.

Urban Demands and the Stress on Water Resources

The rapid growth of urban areas presents unique challenges to water resources management. The demand for water in cities, for everything from drinking to sanitation, exerts significant pressure on both local and distant water sources.

The Growing Thirst of Cities

As urban areas expand, their water needs escalate correspondingly. A vivid example of this is seen in the case of Cape Town, South Africa, which in 2018 came perilously close to running out of water – a scenario termed “Day Zero”. The city’s water crisis was a wake-up call about the fragility of urban water systems in the face of soaring demand, climate change, and inadequate planning. It underscored the need for cities to adopt more sustainable water management practices.

Wastewater Treatment: Turning a Challenge into an Opportunity

One of the key areas where urban centers can improve their water footprint is through efficient wastewater treatment. For instance, in Singapore, a city-state with limited natural water resources, innovative wastewater treatment processes like NEWater convert sewage water into high-grade reclaimed water. This approach not only alleviates the stress on freshwater resources but also sets a benchmark for sustainable urban water management.

Innovative Urban Water Management Strategies

There’s a growing trend towards integrating green infrastructure in urban planning as a means to manage water sustainably. Techniques like rain gardens, permeable pavements, and green roofs help in capturing rainwater, reducing runoff, and recharging groundwater. These strategies, combined with traditional water infrastructure, can significantly enhance a city’s resilience to water scarcity.

Climate Change and Its Amplifying Effect on Drought

The nexus between climate change and drought is one of the most critical aspects of modern water resource management. This section delves into how changes in global climate patterns are intensifying drought conditions, posing new challenges for water and wastewater engineers.

Climate Change: Altering Hydrological Cycles

Climate change significantly impacts the hydrological cycle, leading to altered precipitation patterns, increased evaporation rates, and consequently, more frequent and severe droughts. An instance that brings this issue to the forefront is the prolonged drought in California, exacerbated by higher temperatures and reduced snowpack in the Sierra Nevada. This situation not only stresses water supplies but also highlights the need for adaptive strategies in water resource management.

The Increasing Frequency and Severity of Droughts

As global temperatures rise, evaporation rates increase and soil moisture decreases, leading to more intense and prolonged droughts. The Australian Millennium Drought, which lasted from 1997 to 2009, serves as a stark reminder of the potential severity of droughts under changing climatic conditions. It significantly impacted urban water supplies, agriculture, and ecosystems, underlining the urgency for climate-resilient water management practices.

Adapting to a Changing Climate: The Role of Engineers

In the face of these challenges, water and wastewater engineers play a pivotal role in developing and implementing strategies to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate-induced droughts. This includes designing resilient water supply systems, promoting water conservation and reuse, and integrating climate models into water resource planning. For example, the use of reclaimed water for non-potable purposes in drought-prone areas is an effective strategy to augment water supplies and build resilience against climate change-induced water scarcity.

Policy and Engineering Solutions to Mitigate Resource Overuse

Addressing the challenge of resource overuse requires a blend of policy initiatives and engineering innovations. This section explores effective strategies and solutions that have been implemented globally to ensure sustainable water use and management.

Policy Interventions: Learning from Global Success Stories

Effective policy interventions play a crucial role in managing water resources sustainably. A notable example is the case of Israel, a country that has successfully combated water scarcity through stringent water management policies and pricing strategies. These policies have not only reduced water waste but also incentivized the adoption of water-saving technologies in agriculture and industry. Similarly, Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin Plan, aimed at balancing water use between agriculture, communities, and the environment, demonstrates how policy can guide sustainable water allocation and use.

Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Water Management

In the realm of engineering, innovative solutions are crucial for sustainable water management. Technologies like Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) enable more efficient water use by providing real-time data on consumption patterns. In Singapore, the integration of state-of-the-art water treatment technologies, such as desalination and NEWater, into the national water strategy showcases how engineering can augment water supply and promote sustainability.

The Role of Technology in Monitoring and Managing Water Resources

Technological advancements have revolutionized the way we monitor and manage water resources. Remote sensing technologies, for example, allow for the precise monitoring of water bodies, aiding in the detection of overuse and the identification of potential risks. On a project I worked on in the Amazon Basin, satellite imagery was instrumental in monitoring river levels and forest cover, providing vital data for water management decisions.

The Future of Water: Sustainability and Resource Management

As we look towards the future, the sustainable management of water resources becomes increasingly crucial. This final section discusses the emerging trends and approaches that will shape the future of water management, emphasizing the role of sustainable practices.

Embracing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process that promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources. An example of IWRM in action can be seen in the Netherlands, where integrated coastal management, including the use of innovative sea barriers and water storage areas, has been key in managing both excess and scarcity of water. This holistic approach is vital for addressing the interconnected challenges of water management in a sustainable manner.

Technological Innovations and Future Trends

The field of water management is continually evolving, with new technologies playing a pivotal role. Advancements in AI and machine learning are beginning to offer predictive insights into water usage patterns, potentially transforming water conservation efforts. Additionally, the development of more efficient desalination technologies holds promise for augmenting freshwater supplies, particularly in arid regions.

Global Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing

The global nature of water challenges necessitates international cooperation and knowledge sharing. Initiatives like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, underscore the importance of collaborative efforts. Sharing success stories, like the transformation of water management in Israel, can inspire and guide other regions facing similar challenges.


As we reach the end of our exploration into the intricate relationship between resource overuse and drought, it becomes evident that the path forward requires a multifaceted approach, blending policy, technology, and sustainable practices.

The Critical Role of Water and Wastewater Engineers

Water and wastewater engineers stand at the forefront of this challenge. Our expertise is not just in designing systems but also in envisioning sustainable solutions that align with nature’s rhythm. Reflecting on my experience in the restoration project of the Everglades in Florida, it’s clear that engineering solutions that mimic natural water flow patterns can significantly contribute to ecosystem restoration and water sustainability. Such innovative approaches are essential in addressing the complex issues of water scarcity and drought.

A Call to Action for Innovation and Collaboration

This journey through various aspects of water management underscores the urgency for continued innovation and collaborative efforts. We are tasked with the responsibility to not only engineer solutions but also to advocate for sustainable practices and policies. It is through our collective efforts that we can ensure a water-secure future for generations to come.

Fostering a Community of Knowledge and Action

As professionals dedicated to this field, let’s continue to share our knowledge, learn from global experiences, and work together towards a sustainable and water-resilient world. The challenges are significant, but so are the opportunities for positive change.

References and Further Reading

For those keen on expanding their knowledge and staying updated with the latest developments in the field of water and wastewater engineering, the following references and resources are invaluable. These links lead to a wealth of information that can further enhance your understanding and expertise.

Essential Academic and Industry Reports

  1. “Principles of Integrated Water Resources Management in Urban Areas” – IWMI (International Water Management Institute): This report provides a comprehensive look at integrated water management, especially in urban contexts. Read the report here.
  2. “Global Water Crisis: The Facts” by the United Nations University (UNU-INWEH): Offering a global perspective on the water crisis, this document is a treasure trove of insights and statistics essential for professionals in the field. Access the document here.
  3. “Water Reuse: Potential for Expanding the Nation’s Water Supply” – National Research Council: This publication delves into the challenges and potentials of water reuse, presenting various case studies and innovative approaches. Find the publication here.

Recommended Reading for In-Depth Understanding

  1. “Cadillac Desert” by Marc Reisner: A seminal book that examines the impact of water management policies in the western United States. It’s a compelling read that combines history with contemporary water issues. Purchase the book here.
  2. “The Big Thirst” by Charles Fishman: This book offers an engaging and comprehensive look at the global water crisis, blending anecdotes with a thorough analysis. Get the book here.

Online Platforms for Continuous Learning and Networking

  1. Water Resources Research (Journal): A leading journal in the field, it publishes cutting-edge research on various aspects of water resources engineering and management. Access the journal here.
  2. The Water Network: An online community for water professionals featuring news, articles, and discussions on a range of water-related topics. It’s a great platform for networking and exchanging ideas. Join the network here.


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