Queensland Battery Rebate: A Guide for Homeowners


2 powerwalls

Time to buy a battery or even add a second to your QLD home?

The QLD government has just kicked off the Battery Booster program, a straightforward Queensland battery rebate aimed at reducing the upfront cost of adding a battery to your solar power system. Here’s the no-frills breakdown.

Battery Rebates Available

  • Standard Rebate: A rebate of up to $3,000 off a solar battery is available for applicants with a combined household income of less than $180,000 for the most recently ended financial year. If the applicant has a spouse, the combined income must not exceed $180,000.
  • Low-Income Rebate: A higher rebate of up to $4,000 is available for households where the highest income earner earned $66,667 or less for the most recently ended financial year.

Only one battery rebate is available per residential premises, and applications will be processed in the order they are received. The program will close once the allocated funding has been exhausted (‘about 2000’ rebates have been promised).

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Queensland Battery Rebate, applicants must:

  • Be the owner of the Queensland residential property where the system will be installed (including houses, community lots, or granny flats).
  • Have solar panels with a minimum 5kW capacity installed. New solar PV systems can be installed as part of the approved battery purchase.
  • Select an approved battery from the Approved Battery System list, with a capacity of 6 kWh or larger.
  • Use an approved installer registered on the Approved Installer list for the system installation.
  • Obtain a quote and purchase the system on or after 12 February 2024.
  • Meet the income requirement, i.e., have a combined household income below $180,000.
  • Agree to a safety inspection of the solar battery installation by a government-appointed inspector.

Queensland Battery Rebate Claim Process

Be warned that a conditional approval is no guarantee of final approval:

  1. Get quotes from installers on the Battery Booster Approved Installer List for a battery on the Battery Booster Approved Battery List.
  2. Choose a quote to proceed with.
  3. Get Conditional Approval. Before reaching for your wallet, you need to apply for conditional approval from the program. This means submitting an application that includes the quote you decided on. Jumping the gun and installing a system before getting this letter will knock you out of the rebate race.
  4. Get the battery installed. You have 90 days from your conditional approval date to have your system installed. Interestingly, the onus is on you to check on the day of installation that your installer is still on the Approved Installer list and haven’t been kicked off for bad behaviour or dodgy installs…
  5. Pay the battery installer’s invoice
  6. Submit for Rebate Approval. You’ll need to include:
    • The invoice
    • Proof of property ownership (rates notice, contract of sale, or building contract).
    • Income evidence via notice(s) of assessment from the Australian Tax Office for the last financial year.

After jumping through all those hoops, if still eligible, you’ll receive a letter confirming your approved application. Once approved, the rebate will be deposited into your bank account.

The Easy Way To Get Queensland Battery Rebate Quotes

If you would like to get up to 3 quotes for a battery in QLD that includes the battery booster rebate, just follow the normal process on SolarQuotes and add the words ‘QLD Battery Rebate’ when asked to add any other details. This will divert the request to a human so we can ensure your request is only sent to installers we trust who are on the QLD government’s approved list.

how to get 3 quotes for the queensland battery rebate

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