On December 11, 2023, SENEC Australia, a prominent player in the home battery market, officially entered into liquidation proceedings. Established in 2009, the company gained recognition as one of the leading vendors of home battery systems, particularly in Germany. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, SENEC garnered a solid customer base drawn to its efficient energy solutions. 

Throughout 2023 SENEC remained active in the industry. They participated in events, such as All Energy 2023, held in November. SENEC even had the largest stand at the event, showcasing its commitment to the market. 

Kate Warwick is the appointed liquidator. She oversees the orderly winding up of SENEC’s affairs, including the sale of assets. 

What happens now? 

From 2024, SENEC will refocus its efforts on its core European markets. As part of this strategic shift, they will immediately cease all sales activities in Australia.

Existing customers are guaranteed that their warranties will be honored without interruption. All warranty agreements will remain valid and will be fulfilled as usual until their expiration. They will also provide ongoing software updates for existing on-site systems. 

Customers are also urged to contact them for warranty-related queries or claims. The company’s technical support services will remain available throughout the warranty period. 

As SENEC redirects its focus to its core European markets, Energy Matters steps in to provide seamless support for Australian customers. We understand the importance of ensuring your solar energy system operates smoothly. That’s why we’re offering free solar battery quotes to help you explore options for optimising your energy setup. Whether you’re considering adding storage capabilities or looking to upgrade your current system, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

A strategic move?

SENEC’s decision to withdraw from the Australian market despite the significant renewable energy penetration in its core markets—Germany and Italy—raises questions about the reasons for this strategic shift. Several factors may have influenced their exit from the country. 

However, SENEC’s decision to refocus on its core markets in Europe, particularly Germany, and Italy, suggests a strategic realignment aimed at consolidating its resources and maximising opportunities in established markets. This shift in focus may align with SENEC’s long-term business objectives and growth priorities, prioritising markets where it has a stronger competitive advantage and market presence. 

SENEC’s withdrawal from the Australian market likely reflects a combination of market-specific challenges, strategic considerations, and operational factors. By refocusing its efforts on core markets in Europe, SENEC aims to optimise its resources, capitalise on existing strengths, and position itself for sustained growth and success in the rapidly evolving renewable energy landscape.

About Senec

SENEC, established in Germany in 2009, initially concentrated on battery energy storage. By 2011, they expanded their focus to include PV solar systems, wind power, and commercial applications. In 2013, they broadened into industrial storage, followed by the “Economic Grid” project launch in 2014, aimed at integrating the residential solar industry. By 2015, the project provided free electricity to over 4,500 households, totaling one million kilowatt hours.

In 2017, SENEC embarked on international expansion, targeting markets like Italy and Australia. Their growth continued with the SENEC Home V3 Hybrid launch in Australia in 2020. Over the decade, SENEC has sold over 20,000 solar battery systems and received accolades, such as the “Top PV Brand Power Storage” award from EuPD Research and the “Top Storage System in 2017” for the SENEC Home.


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